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央企“十四五”加大投资新基建 推动转型和发展
发布时间:2022-06-22 08:20:25 已经被浏览:247175次 来源:本站
日前国资委官员在发布会上介绍,近70家中央企业超过700户的子企业在新基建领域加大布局,2021年投资超过4000亿元,“十四五”期间规划投资项目1300多个,总投资超过10万亿元。 Employees from a subsidiary of China Shipbuilding Industry Corp install clean-energy equipment in Nantong, Jiangsu province. [Photo/Xinhua] China's State-owned enterprises plan to invest over 10 trillion yuan ($1.49 trillion) in more than 1,300 "new infrastructure"-related projects across the country during the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-25), injecting new impetus into efforts to sustain economic growth, said senior State-asset regulators on Friday. 国资委高级官员6月17日介绍,“十四五”期间(2021-2025年)中央企业规划投资新基建项目1300多个,总投资超过10万亿元,为经济持续增长注入新动力。 Unlike traditional infrastructure such as railways, roads and water conservancy, the concept of "new infrastructure" refers to critical facilities based on information technologies like 5G, artificial intelligence, industrial internet and the internet of things. 和铁路、公路、水利等传统基建不同,新基建的概念指的是基于5G、人工智能、工业互联网和物联网等信息技术的关键基础设施。 SOEs will accelerate the pace of reform and innovation, and focus on areas such as industrial security, national economy, people's livelihood and public services to promote the transformation and development of traditional sectors. They will also bolster the growth of emerging industries, said Peng Huagang, secretary-general of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council. 国务院国有资产监督管理委员会秘书长彭华岗表示,央企将会加快改革创新的步伐,聚焦产业安全、国计民生、公共服务等领域来推动传统行业的转型和发展,促进新兴产业的增长。 More than 700 subsidiaries of nearly 70 centrally administered SOEs have expanded their layout in the field of "new infrastructure"-related businesses, with an investment of more than 400 billion yuan in 2021. 近70家中央企业超过700户子企业在新基建领域加大布局,2021年投资超过4000亿元。 Addressing a news conference in Beijing, the official said that backed by China's structural adjustment funds and innovation funds for SOEs, State-owned companies' investment in emerging industries grew from less than 700 billion yuan in 2017 to more than 1.3 trillion yuan in 2021, with an average annual growth rate of more than 20 percent. 彭华岗在北京的一个新闻发布会上介绍,在国有企业结构调整基金的支持下,国有企业持续加大新兴产业投入,从2017年不足7000亿到2021年超过1.3万亿,年均增速超过20%。 SOEs have already established a number of digital innovation platforms like new energy vehicles, the Beidou navigation satellite system, e-commerce and blockchain, as well as collaborative innovation platforms for sectors like offshore engineering equipment, logistics and big data by the end of 2021. 截至2021年底,国有企业已经建设了新能源汽车、北斗、电子商务、区块链等一批数字创新平台,创建了海工装备、物流大数据等协同创新平台。 SOEs' investment in "new infrastructure"-related projects will accelerate the integration and application of innovative technologies like artificial intelligence and big data with real economy, and support the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises, said Liu Xingguo, a researcher at the China Enterprise Confederation in Beijing. 中国企业联合会研究员刘兴国表示,国有企业对新基建项目的投资将加快人工智能和大数据等创新技术在实体经济中的融合和应用,并支持中小企业的数字化转型。 Weng Jieming, vice-chairman of the SASAC, said that in the next step, the government will focus on deepening the supply-side structural reform and building world-class enterprises to further promote strategic restructuring and professional integration of central SOEs. 国资委副主任翁杰明表示,下一步,国资委将继续以深化供给侧结构性改革为主线,围绕建设世界一流企业目标,持续深入推进央企的战略性重组和专业化整合。 China had completed the reorganization of 47 central SOEs such as China Railway Rolling Stock Corp and China COSCO Shipping Corp Ltd during the 2012-21 period, while establishing new central SOEs, including China Oil & Gas Pipeline Network Corp and China Anneng Construction Group Corp. 2012年到2021年期间,中国完成了47家央企的重组,包括中国国家铁路集团有限公司和中国远洋海运集团有限公司,还新组建了国家油气管网公司和中国安能建设集团有限公司等央企。 Apart from making contributions to the growth of the Belt and Road Initiative, the overseas assets of central SOEs have reached nearly 8 trillion yuan to date, with over 8,000 projects in more than 180 countries and regions, Weng said. 翁杰明表示,中央企业积极推进高质量共建“一带一路”,海外资产近8万亿元,项目超过8000个,分布在180多个国家和地区。 Constructed by China Road and Bridge Corp, the Nairobi Expressway in Kenya, linking Jomo Kenyatta International Airport to the city's downtown district, opened for trial operations last month. 由中国路桥工程有限责任公司建设运营的肯尼亚首都内罗毕快速路上个月启动试运营。内罗毕快速路连接内罗毕市区与乔莫·肯雅塔国际机场。 Once fully operational, travel time between the airport and downtown Nairobi will be shortened to 20 minutes, said Li Changgui, CRBC's vice president. 中国路桥副总经理李长贵说,内罗毕快速路运营后,可将内罗毕市区前往机场的交通时间缩短至20分钟。 "It is expected to help relieve traffic pressure in Nairobi, improve the city's international image, and create job opportunities while promoting Kenya's economic growth and helping the country evolve into economic and cultural center of East Africa," he said. 李长贵表示,项目的开通运营将有效缓解内罗毕市区拥堵的情况,提升内罗毕城市的国际形象,在为当地创造大量就业机会的同时,进一步推动肯尼亚社会经济发展,助力肯尼亚成为东非的经济中心、文化中心。 相关文章
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